Sunday, June 14, 2015

Blowfish Rescue released!

After more than 2 years of work, Guillaume from Noctua Software finally made it again:

Blowfish Rescue is now released!

This is a 2d action/puzzle game in which you have to blow little fishes back in their bucket. It's really a lot of fun to play :)

I find this game really unique, and consider it a real masterpiece of programming. Guillaume managed to pack in these less than 3mb package:

  • a realistic fluid simulation solver
  • a kinematic engine
  • a procedural graphics (and animations) generation. See this blog post for detailed info and source code for this feature
  • plus all regular game assets like music, sounds texts, animations etc..

The game is available for free on google play and iTune.


  1. It would be useful if Stellarium could show constellation boundaries.

  2. Sir. I have been using Stellarium for a few years now and recently came across a company, SharperJacks, who is SELLING the same program for $20 USD. Since this wonderful program is OPEN SOURCED, I was wondering if there is some way you can stop him from selling a FREE program. Thank you.

  3. blowfish to the rescue !

  4. Hello, Fabien. I was looking at Stellarium and KStars for a way to display the new and visible sets of satellites launched by SpaceX. The most recent ones I've seen were added in 2020. Do you think that someone will add those new satellites to your databases soon?
    John in Kansas

    1. Hi John,

      the TLE should be up to date in the desktop version of Stellarium, in case of isse please contact us on the developer mailing list (, or open an issue in our github project:


  5. Hello Fabien, Great and impressive Program. It is great that you can scroll in and magnify an object, etc. Those who would like to actually see some of the objects may be limited to either Binoculars or a small telescope, both with limited magnification. Would it be possible to add a text box adjacent to the FOV to indicate the apparent magnification? For example, for Albireo, you can zoom in and separate the binary. It might be useful to know the magnification required to observe that level of separation. Alternatively, one could enter in the power of the binoculars (i. e. 30x) and then get an idea of what they will observe. Likewise, for Saturn or Jupiter, it would be useful to see the magnification versus observable details of the rings of Saturn or bands for Jupiter.

    Everybody sees the great pictures from the professional photographs, then gets disappointed in what they actually see. This would then help amateur astronomers to judge the kind of telescope they may want to purchase based on what they may want to observe.

    Just a thought...

  6. thanks, what you are requesting is already in our TODO list!
